Pushing Boundaries and reflecting – Jan 2021


Pushing boundaries and taking time to reflect is something that I encourage. Rarely do I practice this myself!

Welcome to my first Garrett Learning blog. Why now? January 2021 celebrates six months in business. I want to reflect on this by pushing my own personal boundary. Since week one of Garrett Learning action planning I said I would write a blog. Conveniently something always got in the way and didn’t get around to it, so here goes!

2020, what a year for everyone! I am a huge believer that everything happens for a reason. After being made redundant in May, buying a lockdown bike then falling off it with an injury that prevented me from driving to job interviews, I carried on smiling. I found myself faced with an opportunity to deliver Mental Health Training virtually and off I went! It’s great that I can still make a difference to people’s lives from the comfort of my home.

People have always been an important focus in my life, 2020 taught me that anything is possible. Having a positive outlook on life as well as a great support network around you is so important. Surround yourself with positive people who will encourage only the very best for you. I’m so thankful for my ex-colleagues, acquaintances, family, friends and my husband who have supported me in the next chapter of life. I know I am extremely fortunate and very lucky.

I will start this year as I mean to go on, another blog will follow in due course! I look forward to branching out in different directions in 2021 by partnering with organisations. I very much look forward to the day when we can meet face to face and the words ‘you are on mute’ become a distant memory.